Friday, November 19, 2010


After the football match was played
On the day that was so fine
God blew His whistle, the angels clapped
We all had a really great time

Football has always been watching by the side
I have never been able to play
God is good, He knows my heart
When He called my name that day

He needed one more player
So, an angel came to me
She invited me to join Heaven's team
With God as the referee

I was so excited
Is this for real or a dream?
I could not believe when I rose up and walked
To join God's football team

You cannot imagine the field up here
It's greener than the greenest green
Surrounded by the prettiest flowers
That You have ever seen

At first I was quite nervous
I have not played before
But when the ball came to my side
The crowd started to roar

I took a very deep breath
And gave a kick so bold
The ball flew up and out of my sight
I scored my very first goal

The cheerleader-angels danced for joy
I beamed so happily
If only Justine could see me now
She'd surely be cheering for me

By Lynn Phua
17 September 2010
Originally written in Daniel Jason Phua's Facebook

by Stephen Jones, and
posted by Jee K on Daniel's Facebook 
on 3 September 2010